A collection of thoughts and ramblings about the political climate from the left of center.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reconcile This

Harry Reid has agreed to push health care reform under reconciliation rules. This means that we nay have something useful out of Congress that is something akin to real reform of the system instead of a hodgepodge of items designed to garner at least one republican vote. This is great news for much of this country.

This is great news for those being thrown off of the rolls due to pre-existing conditions.

This is great news for those who cannot afford insurance.

You know, it still amazes me how anyone living on Main Street USA could actively be against such reform. Of course, I understand a little bit. From the beginning the move towards reform has been slowed down by lies (such as the Death Panels) as well as congressional inaction. Well, now Harry Reid seems to have had enough. I say full steam ahead on the public option, full steam ahead on reform. to those standing in the way, I have one thing to say to all of you. Reconcile this!

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