A collection of thoughts and ramblings about the political climate from the left of center.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Talk to the hand

The jokes on late night to the press room at the White House have been non-stop. Sarah Palin, the gift that keeps on giving, writes bullet points on her palm and refers to her palm several times during an interview at the Tea Party convention. Well, it is funny. It is also sad. Sad that so many hang on her every word and she still has to write her core values on her hand. Sad that she appears to be so shallow that she cannot formulate and answer without looking directly at her hand. By the way, for all of you who trash Barack Obama for use of a teleprompter, you need to remember that the President is a guy who authored two books and writes much of the speeches he gives. Sarah, on the other hand, yes pun intended, can only spit out the talking points provided to her and can't even keep that together enough, in friendly political territory, that she must keep her highlights and values on her palm. If I ever see her and have to opportunity to talk to her I think I will just ask her to talk to the hand.

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