A collection of thoughts and ramblings about the political climate from the left of center.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lies my Congressman told me

From time to time I listen to the opposition and wonder, where do they get their facts from? I mean, it is one thing to oppose someone or something on principle, but to oppose someone or something just because you can is something else entirely. given that, I must ask one question. How is it that the Republican party and its minions determined that they are entitled to their own facts? How is it that in spite of evidence to the contrary they stick to those "facts" and repeat them over and over again knowing that many will not challenge them? How do they get away with the big lie?

On the way home tonight I heard a talk show host go after Barack Obama for giving the military a 1.4% pay raise. I looked it up, it is 3.4%. Now, you could argue, if you wanted that 3.4 is not enough. Why lie about the numbers?

I have heard several Republican Senators rail against reconciliation as something rarely used and never for major health policy or for something as expensive as health care reform. I looked it up, reconciliation has been used for the Bush tax cuts and for Medicare Part D. Expensive and health policy.

I have heard many republicans spout off that there had been no terrorist attack on American soil during Bush's term. I looked it up, there were several attacks on our soil, including the shoe bomber and the anthrax attacks.

I heard Sarah Palin and members of Congress talk about death panels. I looked it up, it is end of life counseling that goes on everyday in this country between doctor and patient or doctor and health care proxy. the reform bill pays doctors for this service.

Some have said, and still say that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. I looked it up, he was born in Hawaii.

The list goes on and on and on. It is hard to argue with an opponent who has no interest in arguing issues with you. they only want to stop the President's agenda and feel that the only way to do so is to demonize it. One would have to ask why this approach? Perhaps they cannot defeat the agenda on the merits of their arguments so they resort to lies.

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